Dear family and friends,
I am no longer in Esquel! I left Friday morning for a special assignment in the mission office in Neuquén. President Casariego had been talking to me about the possibility of coming back and Tuesday he called to confirm my return. I will be in the office for at least six weeks to train another elder as the new mission secretary. His name is Elder Tarone from Las Vegas.
I'm excited to be here, but it was a little strange to come back, especially on Sunday and to see all of the members from the last time I was here. I do have a good feeling about returning and for the first few days that I've been back I've been organizing things and familiarizing myself again with all of the secretary responsibilities. Elder Tarone will be here on Thursday to begin training.

My time in Esquel was fantastic. I learned a lot (as always), and had a great companion in Elder Motzkus. We worked hard and he helped me to really enjoy what we do. We left the area well prepared for the next companionship.
Other news in the office is that Elder Wessell is one of the new assistants to President Casariego, so we will be seeing each other quite often. Also, Elder Espinoza from the University of Arizona is one of the new office elders, and he'll be one of my many companions while I'm here. It's way cool to be here with him. It doesn't feel quite real that we came all of the way from Tucson to be in the same mission in Argentina, but we did!
I love you all and hope you have a fantastic and successful week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack