Dear family and friends,
This was a great week, saw some cool things and I am enjoying everything about Neuquén. 'No se pierde ningun esfuerzo' is kind of like saying nothing that we do is done in vain, that's something I saw this week.

That experience this week showed me that you never know what will happen. I've also been able to talk to a new member named Pablo since I've been back. He was baptized in January and is progressing a lot! He's blessing the sacrament and everything.
There was a message that I really liked in church yesterday, it was given by Hermana Marta who came back to church last year and has done a 180 since returning. She talked about her process in coming back. She tried everything spiritual. Chinese and classical music, spiritual programs, etc. In the end she said that nothing did for her what the gospel does, what the Savior does. I had that feeling this week, the overwhelming feeling to just try and be like Jesus Christ, to do what he did and follow him. That's more important that anything else I will do in my life.
I am enjoying working with Elder Tarone. We get along along great! He is one cool guy and he reminds me of Coleton Paolacci so you can imagine how happy I am! He's picking up everything I am teaching him, and we are getting out everyday at 5:00 p.m. to teach! We actually have appointments today with a few families we found last week. Working in the office this second time has been better since I know what I'm doing.
My Spanish is really good at this point in the mission. Now it's a matter of speaking it all the time which is hard when you have an English speaking companion. Spanish is something that I will always study after the mission because there is always room to improve your speaking and writing skills. Just like English!
Have a great week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
PS the photo is me with Elder Draught who finished his mission and came back to visit. He was companions with Elder Supelano, my second companion.