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26 October 2015

Anything is Possible

Dear family and friends,

This was another great week. It went by fast and we were able to do a lot of service with members and investigators!

One of the people we worked with is named Luis. His girlfriend is a member, and every time we have gone to his house it has been hard to talk to him about the gospel. We asked after a dinner we had with them if he needed help with anything, and he said we could help him move some bricks. 

We prayed a lot that during or after the service that we could somehow teach a lesson–and it happened! After working with him we talked about his family and he really opened up. Little by little he is going to change. They have plans to be married in December and that is step one!

President Casariego came to Esquel this weekend for a Zone Conference, it was awesome. We talked about our missionary purpose and why it's so important. The Gospel isn't just something that will afford us better lives, rather it is what will bring salvation to all men. It really changes how I look at people and what I say to them. 

He also did something that he always does which is made me think of the impossible and how I can achieve it. I can't express how valuable that is, that someone says we can achieve anything if we put our minds to it and if we trust in the Lord. Those are two things he has put into practice his whole life and its brought him success. 

The day before the conference he took Elder Motzkus and me out to lunch. It was cool to see him in a casual setting. He was cracking jokes the whole time and he asked us about what we will do after our missions. I also asked Hermana Casariego if they have a blog, she said no, but the do have a page on Facebook!

Search for: Presidente y Hermana Casariego Misión Argentina Neuquén and  you'll find it.

I love both everyone! 

Elder Kauffman aka Jack