Dear family and friends,
I believe the Lord is really blessing me for the time I spent in the office, because my area is a goldmine for teaching people about Jesus Christ. This week we found a young boy who is nine years old and wants to be baptized. He attended a friends baptism who's family are members and felt the spirit tell him to be baptized too.
The Casariego's and The Lovell's |
We were pretty nervous to teach him because he is so young and we need his mom's support to move forward. Luckily she said she is totally fine if that's what he wants to do. He came to church yesterday and is reading the Book of Mormon. We set a baptismal date for July 11th and I have the faith that it can happen! There are a lot of partial member families in our zone. Parents that have been baptized with kids that never were. The Sanchez family is one that we are working with and the mom is very nice and we are going to do service with her this week.
Being a zone leader is interesting. We get to do exchanges with the elders in the zone which is fun and breaks up the routine. The purpose is to train and supervise, but I learn a lot by doing them since everyone has special talents here. This week we are traveling to a town called Chos Malal, way up north in the mission to do exchanges with the elders there. Should be interesting. More than anything I am trying to be a good example for everyone, and not let serving in a leadership position go to my head. The point of leading is to serve even more, to give to yourself to the Lord even more.
President Lovell leaves this Wednesday and I won't see him before he heads out. We have our first counsel with President Casariego next week. We are excited to know what his specific plans are for the mission and I am pumped to work with him.
I found a lot of comfort in the bible this week. John 14:18. Whenever I feel like I'm alone I remember that I am not. Jesus Christ lives and he manifests himself to us if we seek him. We just have to seek him. My goal is to read Matthew in the new testament this week.
Have a great week and pray that I will continue to lose myself in the work!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack