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22 June 2015

Getting Settled in the New Area

Dear family and friends,

It’s good to be in Zapala. It’s a small town and our area makes it seem even smaller. The area is big, huge in fact, and there are a lot of fields and the houses are far apart. Tomorrow I am doing divisions with the elders in El Centro so I will see what the other side of the city is like. I've attached some photos of my new apartment.

So far we have a few solid investigators. One of them is named Yolanda and she is very humble. It’s obvious that she believes what we are teaching, and she really wants to come to church. She’s just got to get there.

I think this is the smallest ward I’ve been in which is interesting. Only 35 people came to church yesterday, and that is a big change from what I’ve seen in other wards in the mission. One of our goals is to increase our assistance to the members. There are a lot of less active families that live in our area. I’m also the only American around for miles, and it hasn’t been like that since my first area. 

Starting in a new area again always makes me think about home, and it makes me appreciate and love everyone back in Arizona more. I am really grateful for everything and for all of the experiences I had at home. They are the best memories. Also in every area I seem to find someone that reminds me of Amanda. The Mellado family has two boys, 17 and 18 that both have special needs. I loved visiting them this week.

Zapala is pretty cold at night and always brisk in the morning when we go out to contact people. I do like the weather. Elder Garcia and me are teaching some great lessons, and they have all been taught by the spirit. We are already seeing the positive impact it has on people. 

I’m trying to show more love for people, and to be more diligent in my work. I have a poem my Dad wrote about Jesus Christ above my bed here. It helps me to think about the power that one can find in Christ. It is infinite. 

I love everyone!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack