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06 June 2015

El gran milagro de la vida

Buenas tardes!

We had a lot of good experiences this week in our area and in the office, most of all good contacts and communication with the ward. On the 26th we have plans to show Meet the Mormons, something that I think will get a lot more people in church on Sundays.

Just last night we talked with a guy named Gabriel on the street. It was on Olascoaga, a pretty busy street, imagine contacting someone on Cactus or some other main road. He was a really inspiring person, very religious, and very firm in his beliefs. The whole time we were talking I couldn't believe we found him, because I knew we needed to find him.

He told us that he was happy with his life, but that there was still something missing because of a time when he denied God. We read Mosiah 26:30, one of my favorite verses and it felt so good to share my own experiences, to tell him that I've messed up time and time again, but that I have been forgiven. The miracle of this life is that God wants us to return to him, and a way has been provided, because we cannot do it by ourselves. 

I've come to learn a little more about Jesus Christ as I've been here, and as I've had the opportunity to focus on others needs above my own. That doesn't mean I do it 100 percent of the time, it's hard, but I'm still working on it and consider it a privilege to be a disciple of Christ. 

We have interviews with President Lovell this week, my last one, and my third in this zone. That means I've been here a long time. I will definitely miss President Lovell who is a very inspired man. One of the biggest blessings of being in the office is learning how a mission works logistically, and seeing how dedicated President Lovell is to it all. He never stops working.  

This is my last week in the mission office. Serving as the mission secretary has been the greatest experience I've ever had, and I think it's because its been the hardest challenge I've ever had. That's how it works and I'm ready for a new adventure. 

Wish me luck and pray for the mission office as we do transfers this week. It's a lot of work and it requires heavens help! I will let everyone know where they send me and who my new companion is on Saturday! 

Elder Kauffman aka Jack