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24 November 2014

¡Otra semana!

A lot of good things happened this week in Bariloche! We had a lot of time to help and strengthen the members in the ward. 

Thursday morning we helped a sister with her new house. There were a lot of weeds and only one shovel, but I loved it. She has some problems walking and two small kids so it was nice to do something that she could not do alone. 

Also on Thursday we went to the house of one of my good friends in the ward. He had a lot of English homework and I was able to help him for about an hour. He in turn taught me some typical Argentine phrases. They don’t make a lot of sense, but he loves it when I use them!

Yesterday we visited a brother to give him the sacrament. He has trouble walking but always has a smile and ´buen animo´! I love visiting him.

This was a great week with my companion. We are getting along very well and I think it’s because we are talking more in the street on the way to our appointments. He had to do a lot of things before starting his mission. In Colombia military service is mandatory, so he did that for two years before his mission. We are always laughing about something. The other day a dog followed us everywhere, and because of that one dog, all of the dogs in the street started to follow us! At the end of the day rather than walking back to our pension we took a bus, and laughed the whole way home because the dogs didn’t know what to do!

I had a good experience studying this week. We have three hours every day to study the language and scriptures and I read the Gospel Principles manual in Spanish. I loved the first three chapters that discuss our eternal journey because it puts everything I’m doing in perspective.

Sundays are always a good day for me. Our ward is small and sometimes there are only 60 people in attendance. Throughout the week we invite a lot of people to come to church and I get the best feeling when they show up. I really like being a missionary and this is a special time!

I hope this is a great week for everyone. Assist the missionaries in your wards. It makes my day when members ask how they can help. We need members to really succeed.

I love you all!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack