off a big lesson I’ve learned here, and something that I feel like I knew
before, is that attitude is everything. Yesterday a brother in our stake
spoke at an activity, and he said that during his mission he began to have
success when he decided to love what he was doing. It has been that way for me
too. We don’t always have success, but if I know what I’m doing, and whom I am doing
it for, everything is so much better.
We have been teaching a woman and her kids for about two weeks
now and they are progressing. She is starting to feel comfortable with
the church in general, and she came to a choir practice on Wednesday and to
our “noche de empanadas” on Saturday.

had two opportunities to give service this week. On Tuesday we helped two
older sisters in our ward with their garden. The entire time they were
explaining what each plant was and where it came from. I loved helping them
because there is no way they could do that type of work by themselves.
Friday we
went to a place called “Hiper” which is like a Home Depot, to help a brother load
more than 700 bricks into his truck. It took a long time! We had to leave early
to arrive to our lunch appointment on time, but what I loved was how grateful
he was for the help. He is someone I’m going to miss when it comes time to leave here.
I continue to trust more in the Lord, and face things that make me
scared. Sunday there was no teacher for our Gospel Principles class,
and we were all waiting after the opening prayer for someone
to stand up and start the lesson. I was so scared but I decided to stand up and teach. It wasn’t the best lesson, but I was grateful for the
opportunity. I know that the Lord helped me get through it!
this week I felt like I went to a new level with my Spanish. I feel so comfortable speaking the
language. I am very grateful for the gift I have from the Lord to speak Spanish.
love this time and I know I’m doing a good thing. I love and miss everyone.
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
Elder Kauffman aka Jack