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06 October 2014



So many things happened this week. Time is a lot different here for some reason. What I did just this last Tuesday, feels like it happened a lifetime ago!

This Tuesday Elder Candia left for Neuquén to receive leadership training (he is our District Leader), so I stayed in Bariloche with Elder Gregory from Arizona. We arrived in Argentina the same day so it was fun to work with him. We went to visit a sister who had just been in the hospital, and while there, she had a friend come to visit. 

The Bariloche Zone - October 2014
I know the Lord prepares people and puts them in our path, because out of nowhere, the member's friend started to ask us about our religion and what sets us apart from other churches. She was sincere too which can be rare. I won't be returning to teach her, but it was very cool to answer some of the questions she had. 

We have also been working with a 9 year-old boy in our ward. His mom and brother are members and he is not. He has never been very interested in listening to lessons, but again, out of nowhere, his mom called us and said he wanted to talk to the missionaries. When we met with him I was really impressed by his faith. We talked about the restoration, and the importance of having the church God established when Jesus Christ was on the earth in our lives. I asked him if he thought these things could be true, and without thinking he said yes. He is so young but he is a great example of believing without seeing. 
General conference occupied a large amount of our time this past week and it was really special for me. I realized how much it means to have a prophet when all of the members around the world gather to listen. For me a major theme was the importance of decisions, and how we determine our own happiness. Our joy never depends upon what another person does. We create it.

I hope that everyone has a great week. Tonight I will be traveling to Neuquén to renew my tourist visa. It will be about a 12-hour trip, but it should be fun! 

I am finding a lot of joy in serving the Lord. I love you all!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack