How is everyone? Thank you for your emails and for telling me
how things are going. It is always feels good to hear from home!
I cannot believe how fast this week passed. This morning I was
thinking of what I could share, and I could hardly remember anything that
happened! Its been a blur but in a good way.
Since I arrived in my area we started to visit a sister that was
less active. She has two sons, one that was recently baptized and another who
is nine years old. We have been having family home evening with them regularly
for a while now. This past Monday was a special experience for me as
I realized all of the change that has taken place since we started stopping by.
The sister has a steady calling in the ward as a Gospel Principles instructor, her
oldest son is blessing the sacrament, and we are working on helping the
youngest boy to be baptized soon.

Elder Candia has been in San Carlos de Bariloche for about six months working
with another sister who has not been to church in years. We love to stop by and
share scriptures with her and her son. We always learn together and then just
talk about challenges she is having with other family members. Finally after 6
months of inviting her to church she said this week she would come. We were
very excited to hear her say yes, and even more excited to see her this Sunday.
This last Friday Elder Candia and I went to the central part of Bariloche
to work in the area of two other elders. I worked with Elder Yanez from Chile
and near the end of the night we talked with a guy named Paulo, and we got
along really well. The whole time we talked I could not help but think that
finding him was meant to be. Experiences like that show me that this mission is
the one for me.
There are only a few movies we can watch in our pension (apartment), and one
we watch often is called Finding Faith in Christ. A part that impressed me this week
is when Christ is asked what the way is to eternal life. “Yo soy el camino.” “I
am the way.” I know that that is true, and I love sharing that more than
I love all of you and I wish you an excellent week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack