It was hard to say goodbye to Elder Candia as he was my trainer when I first arrived in the mission. We learned a lot together and helped a lot of people come closer to Christ. One important thing I learned from him that will always impress me is that language is not a barrier between people. I can honestly say I know him as well as I know Ethan, Jason or Coleton. He became a great friend and I hope to see him again in the future.
Today many missionaries from the north passed through Bariloche on their way to areas down south. One of the missionaries I met was Elder Wessel. He is a very cool guy, and the first thing we talked about was his aunt Linda who introduced my dad to the missionaries back in high school. I'm glad I finally met him!

I love being here and I love inviting people to come unto Christ. I thought a lot during the week of some of the personal experiences I have had with the Savior. My love for him, and loyalty to him, are the best motivation I have.
Please continue to pray that I can take care of the people here that need the good news of the Gospel. I am going to do all I can!
I love you all and I wish you a great week.
Elder Kauffman aka Jack