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31 August 2015

Being Bold

Dear family and friends,

Our mission president shared a talk with us that explained why we should be bold in inviting people to be baptized. I believe it was called "The Vision to Baptize," or something like that. It basically says that there are two ways to go about helping someone come unto Christ through the ordinance of baptism. You can 1) teach them everything and then invite, or 2) present them the idea of receiving a remission of sins and having all blessings of the Holy Ghost forever in their lives, and then go about teaching the remainder of the Gospel. In other words, help them catch the vision on the front end.

Sunday in a Ward Counsel we talked about this the new focus we have as a mission regarding being bold, and the whole country of Argentina, along with Uruguay and Paraguay, had a special missionary conference. Elder Cook and Elder Hales talked along with other local leaders in the broadcast basically saying "missionary work needs to get going here!"

In the first chapter of Preach My Gospel it talks about things that a successful missionary experiences. Even if I had no baptisms, I know that I am doing things the right way. I feel successful and I know I am dedicated. Overall the motive for spreading the message of Jesus Christ has got to be love. That's an insight I shared in our Ward Counsel yesterday, and its something I've come to realize little by little on the mission. Love for the Lord and fellow man. I have seen some missionaries that don't have it, and I honestly think they return home having missed out on that key aspect of missionary work. 

A general authority is coming to visit us this week so the whole zone, and mission is traveling to Neuquén except the missionaries down south in Bariloche, Esquel and San Martin. I'll take a lot of pictures and let everyone know how it goes. 

I love you all!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack