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10 August 2015

Changes in the Mission

Dear Family and friends,

Every week since I left the office I'm more excited to be working in Zapala. We are seeing more changes in the mission and President Casariego is showing us that anything is possible if we are committed and recognize the Lord's hand in everything. 

He came to Zapala on Wednesday to speak to us. He talked about his own mission experience, and how everyone was content to just be in the mission, content with the current circumstances. He was not and he really changed things, baptizing wherever he went.

Ever since I arrived in the mission a big focus has been less active members, the wards here are used to us doing reactivation work, and working with recent converts. President Casariego has shifted our emphasis to finding, teaching, and baptizing!

I know it might sound weird or impossible or strange, but I really have the vision that this can happen. I honestly believe that 20 people in my area can be baptized at the end of this new transfer. Me and my companion will need a lot of prayers and all of the help the Lord can offer but we are so ready. 

This last week in one day we had four baptismal invitations in the street. We would show the person an image of Christ being baptized, teach the restoration in 5 minutes, and then boom, le gustaria ser bautizado como se bautizo jesucristo? Would you like to be baptized like Jesus was? People say yes right then and there. Our new focus is finding. Find any way we can is the goal, but not just anyone, the select. People ready to join the church. 

Elder Garcia left this morning for Cinco Saltos, a small town near Neuquén, and my new companion is going to be Elder Rosas from Santiago, Chile. I am really excited to work with him. This will be the first time I have a companion that has less time in the mission field than me. I feel that these transfers are inspired because Elder Rosas was just in Zapala three months ago. It's very rare that a missionary return to a city, so it has to be for a special reason. 

It's pretty cold here but all of the members say that in September it should warm up again. I am used to the cold and the wind now, whatever comes will come. Two nights ago it was really foggy in the upper part of our area, kind of cool!

I feel great with the changes we are going to have here. I feel full of faith and firm with the knowledge that we will be able to accomplish anything as we trust in the Lord and follow his spirit. There will be more pictures of us in white to come.

I love everyone and have a great week!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack