Things are going great here, and although I don't remember a lot from the week there, were many good things that stood out to me.
Three investigators of the hermanas were baptized this week. Our zone is seeing some great things happen and has now baptized for three weeks in a row. This is something I have not seen anywhere else in the mission in the last year. I don't know exactly how or why its happening–but it is.

I know that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is fully sustaining. These past 8 weeks have been a roller coaster. I am learning about the power of prayer and the importance of trusting in the Lord in order to make things happen. Such cool things are happening in the zone, not so much in my own area, but we are working hard. I am convinced that its because the Lord loves us, and He makes us strong when we show that we are available and willing to work for Him.
If there is a central theme to my mission up until this point it is faith and the power it has.
I decided this week that I want to work with languages after the mission. I have fallen in love with Spanish and I want to speak it as much as I can. I also had a vivid but strange dream that I learned German; I want to start learning it after the mission.
I still have not purchased a new coat, but I don't think I will be need it now. I have become acclimated to the colder weather and the wind is not blowing as strong now.
Transfers are this week so well see if anything changes with my companion. Anything can happen.
Tell everyone that I love them and that I would love to hear from them.
Elder Kauffman aka Jack