Dear family and friends,
President and Sister Lovell leave the mission on June 30th and the new mission president arrives the same day. I had a meeting with President Lovell the other week to plan his return flights. He told me that I will be training a new secretary next transfer, which makes me excited to get back in the field, and at the same time worried. It will be a short transfer, four weeks instead of six, and I don't want to leave a new secretary in the dust. We'll see what happens. The most important thing is that I like being here–and when they want me to leave, I'll leave!

The dust from the volcano eruption in Chile did arrive in Neuquén on Friday. I felt like I was in a horror film. Dust everywhere, almost like a fog. We went to immigrations and they had shut down the offices for the day, and there was no one in the streets. Kind of creepy. It has already passed and was only a two day thing.
Not much to write today, but I do love everyone!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack