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14 March 2015

Checking In

Dear family and friends,

It was another busy week in the Neuquén Mission office. We legalized three missionaries and one of them was Elder Espinoza who is my friend from UofA. It was cool to see him and we had a lot of time while waiting in immigrations to catch up. He gave up a lot when he was baptized, and even more when he entered the MTC. His family didn't want him to leave, but he came anyway and is doing great things here. I hope we can be companions in the future. We've got to be in the same mission for a reason!

The weather will be cooling off here in a few weeks, something I am looking forward to. I still get confused with the opposite seasons here. I say to members, "fa y ya viene la primavera" (spring), when I should say otoño (autumn). 

I had an interview yesterday with President Lovell and he said exactly what I needed to hear to take away the stress and worries I have working in the office. He asked me what I had learned about myself so far on my mission. I told him that I have learned that I am a good decision maker, that I can trust myself more than I have in the past and that I am willing to ask for help from those around me. I feel that I have learned so much in a very short amount of time. 

I love everyone and wish you all the best!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack