Hello family and friends!
Another busy week en la gran Mision Argentina Neuquén, or the "MAN." We had a baptismal service last Saturday and it went really well. We encountered a problem with the water in the baptismal font, but after filling a large pot several times and then transferring the water to the font we were good to go!

Also this week we had our first lesson with the Ramos family. They are from Mendoza and the lesson went very well. The best part was that they committed to the challenge we gave them of reading just the introduction of the Book of Mormon and then asking God if it is true. Things are looking up in our area.
In a zone training this week we talked about the love that Ammon had for King Lamoni, and how that love is what caused the King of all the Lamanites to listen to the Gospel. A goal we have as a zone is to make the love we have for others known, and by doing so having more people interested in listening to us. I think its a good idea, not just for missionaries, but for everyone. Trying to make manifest the love of Christ.
I hope this is a great week for you all. Please keep me in your prayers!
Love and miss you all,
Elder Kauffman aka Jack