This was a really good week. On Monday all of the elders from the office went to visit a family in the ward. They came to church the day before so we took the opportunity to talk to them and set up an appointment. We weren’t sure what message we were going to share, but we did know we were going to make dinner.
While we prepared the
food I felt confident that we would know what topic to share and it happened!
Elder Yañez started talking about the Book of Mormon and from there we were
really led by the spirit. We talked about how the problems we experience with
other members shouldn’t affect our own church attendance. Most importantly we
expressed our love for them.
Yesterday we had
another good lesson with a family that feeds us lunch every Wednesday.
They have three daughters that are all adults with their own families, but have not been out to church for a while. It was a cool visit because I taught
myself by talking to them. I felt impressed to say that the Gospel requires that
we give up our time, talents, and will to God so that we can help to bring
about his work.
It was a nice thought
for the family, but it was what I needed to hear too. Lately I’ve been really
tired after a long day of doing things in the office. When the time comes to
leave the office and go work in the field its become the last thing I want to do.
However, I know the Lord expects more of me. I walked out of that visit feeling
more determined to work harder in everything I do here.
There continues to be a
lot of work in the office, and I now believe I might be assigned here for some
time; at least until the new mission president arrives and is settled. Once Brother and Sister Casariego come there will be no more
English spoken in the office since Spanish is their first Language. We don’t do it often now, but sometimes we speak
with President Lovell in English.

In one busy day this
week I called four hotels to make reservations for President Lovell, took two
sisters to the police station so they could be legalized, and then went to
visit a family in the ward. Sometimes my Spanish is limited with the complex
vocabulary I need to know, but I am progressing and that is what is
Another experience I
wanted to share from this week happened when we went to legalize a sister missionary from
Brazil. After preparing all of the documents she needed the police said we were
missing a stamp from her home country. We walked out of the police station very
discouraged because we were going to have to wait a long time for her new
documents to arrive. We didn’t get far when we felt impressed to go back and
try again. We did and asked the immigration workers if they were positive we
needed that stamp. In fact, we talked with the same guy that told us no, but
after asking for the second time he said everything was fine and that we could
finish the process! The spirit doesn't just lead us in spiritual matters, but
in everything we do if we seek it.
The Neuquén Zone and Mission Office |
I am really enjoying
working with my companion. After a lot of prayer, and leaving my
comfort zone, we are best of friends. We work well together and he’s teaching
me all of the responsibilities of the mission secretary as he will be leaving
the office in a month.
I’m feeling well and am putting my faith in Christ, remembering him more, and
representing him better. I love everyone and as
always I hope that this is a great week wherever you are!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack