was so good to see everyone via Skype! A little surreal, and I was nervous
because I didn’t know what to say, but I loved talking to you all.
This was a different Christmas. I’ve always
been impressed by the increase in the Spirit that I can feel during this time
of year, but it was even more so being in the mission field. In Neuquén we
gave away cards of ´El es la Dadiva´ a week ago, and I think that experience is
where my increased feelings of spirituality started. I
realized how much I loved asking people to come and experience the love that
God has for us, and to be reminded of the gift that is His Son. I wish it could
be this time of year always because it has been so easy to talk to people.
Hopefully next Christmas the church comes out with another incentive like “He
is the Gift.”

I am
playing a lot of soccer here because we live with two Brazilians. Watching the last World Cup I remember there were a lot of stories about kids in Brazil who love to play football
wherever and however they can. It makes me laugh now because I am actually
seeing it first hand with these Brazilian Elders!
I’ve been practicing driving here and it’s kind of scary because the traffic
rules are different, and the people drive crazy!
navidad de nuevo y que tenga una buena semana. Les amo mucho!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
Elder Kauffman aka Jack