was another very busy week. I wanted to do something different, and so we set a
goal to visit every less active member that lives in our area, as there are a
lot of them. Many members in this area do not follow through with the important
commitment of coming to church after baptism, but that doesn’t matter to me. I
really know that I am doing what the Savior would be doing when we stop by,
share a message, and offer help any way we can.

I am
being the “hands and feet of the Savior.” I am nowhere near who Christ is,
but the more I think of the love He has for these people, I know He is changing
who I am.

experience this week was visiting with a young man who has not been to church
for a long time. He’s very quiet and he doesn’t want help from anyone. However he
has started to open up and tell us what he’s feeling. He’s struggling since he
cannot go to school because he has to work to help his mother.
really prayed for him last night and that the Lord would help him. I think it
was the first time I have prayed so hard for another person since I’ve been on
my mission. I felt the distinct impression that Christ is constantly doing the
same for us. He wants us to have everything that we need, ALWAYS. Please
pray for me that above everything else I can do what needs to be done for the people
here in my area. It is called Frutillar.
wish you all great week and send my love as always!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
Elder Kauffman aka Jack