We had a great week and are working a lot with Ester who was baptized last week. We're also working with Matias and Malena, two kids that have a baptismal date for this coming weekend. The Lord is blessing us a lot here.
We found a man named Sebastian the other day before going to a ward activity. He said that he needed a place to stay and that he also needed work. So we invited him to come to the activity with us and the members helped him out. He now has a place to stay, a job, and he came to church on Sunday! He says that he's been looking for something more in his life for a while now, and we were praying for people to help. A win-win for sure!

I very happy to be here, not too much time left in the mission field, but there are a lot of things to do!
I love everyone and have a great week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack