Last week was a really good week! Today was transfer day and Elder Gallegos and I are both staying in Plottier as the zone leaders. That's fine with us and we are very happy to still be here. We got things moving last transfer and now we are ready to see the fruits or our labors. Only two transfers left so its likely that Elder Gallegos leaves after this transfer and that I stay to finish up here, but you never know! I'll be happy to finish wherever I am needed.

We are working with the members of our local ward and teaching a lot more. We had two days this week where we taught four lessons and that's a big deal for this mission. Little by little we are taking down the barriers that have been set here in the past. It goes to show you how powerful putting your mind to something can be.
I love what I'm doing. It doesn't get old. I think we taught the restoration three or four times yesterday to investigators and less actives. We were able to personalize the message every time. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored.
I love everyone and hope you all have a great week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack