Dear family and friends,
This was a great week. A lot of learning as always and seeing the Lord's hand in what we hope to accomplish.

It was interesting to start a new year, and to think of everything that has happened in the one that passed. It's been one of the best years of my life. I think of all the changes that I have experienced, all of the people I have met and their lasting impressions. More than anything I think about all of the opportunities the Lord has given me to increase my faith and persevere.
One of my goals for 2016 is to finish my mission strong and to be more dedicated than when I arrived. I want these last six months to be my best. I found a quote by C.S. Lewis that I want to be my theme. It's Lewis paraphrasing the Lord, he says he doesn't just want so much of our time and talents, he wants us! Everyday I am going to consciously give him myself.
It has been incredible being with Elder Moser these few weeks. He only has three left but it impresses me to see how well he wants to finish. We've obviously talked a little about what plans he has for after the mission. That's normal, but he's focused. I want to finish like that. Strong and focused.
One of the coolest things we've been able to talk about is the difference between being on a mission and being a missionary. I'll always be a missionary and I want to keep being a good example.
We had three investigators in church on Sunday! We said a lot of prayers and at one moment I felt the impression that God was going to take care of it. We can't do everything. In fact, as a missionary, I feel like I do very little. We invite, but when people choose to follow that is best. Lucas and Maxima, a couple from Bolivia are getting baptized this week. Please pray that everything works out!
We had a great gospel principles class yesterday. It was the first chapter of the manual, God is our loving Heavenly Father. We discussed how we show God we love him by keeping His commandments. I agree, but there is so much more to it. Doing it because we really, really love God. That's the right reason.
I love everyone! Make it a great week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack