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11 August 2014

Serving the People

Hey everyone! Thank you for the notes, they mean a lot to me!

It's really cold here in Bariloche, and while it's fun some days, I'd like to pop into Phoenix so I could thaw out for a few minutes! Today there is some snow on the ground which I am definitely not used to and it rains some days of the week, but members tell me that's not normal. (My companion says its because Bariloche is excited to have me!)

We did a lot of work this week, I'll share a few of the experiences we had with lessons. Thursday we went to visit a guy that lives quite a ways from our pension, and he came out the back way from his house composed, but as soon as he got to us he started crying and saying how he really wants to stop drinking, because his family doesn't love him for it. The spirit was really strong, and me and Elder Candia just kept testifying of the enabling power of the Atonement. 

It's real, and it's important. I think this was the first time I realized the importance of what I'm doing here, because I knew I was doing what Christ would have done if he could be with this man. I don't care if I have baptisms or conversions here. Obviously I'm going to try my hardest, but if I only help people the way we could help that hermano that night, I'll be happy!

We are also working with a less active member and his daughter. Our recent lesson went quiet when the daughter, she´s about 18, said that she thought God and Christ were a lie. It was very powerful in the room and we simply said that we know they exist. I really believe out of everything one can say about Christ, the most important thing is that He lives. He conquered the grave and is somewhere right now with a body of flesh and bones. I love that. 

I've definitely received many "tender mercies" this week. Little things that keep me going when I'm tired or on edge. Two days ago we were walking in the rain and it was cold. I thought about feeling warm and right then, the sun came out for a few minutes. It was awesome, and although it wasn't a miracle, it helped me when I needed it. 

The spirit is also becoming a good friend to me. Different times throughout the day I get these encouraging thoughts, and I don't know where else they could come from other than the Spirit. Things like "this time is short" or "someone needs to hear from you today." I know I'm doing what I need to do, and I'm grateful for all of the support! Please send me some messages about what´s going on with everyone!

Some funny things here: there are stray dogs everywhere that want to attack! All you have to do is bend down and they run away, because they are so accustomed to people bending down to pick up a rock to throw at them.

It's also true that they feed you a lot here. The hermanas always ask if you want more, and you can't say no! It's kind of nice because I just stuff myself at lunch and then don´t have to worry about dinner. 

My companion loves to sing ALL the time, and it cracks me up. He's crazy but I'm glad I have someone to balance out my seriousness.

I love everyone! Have a great week. Les amo mucho a ustedes y espero que todos vayan bien!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack