Dear family and friends,
Saturday we went to the chapel to open the email they send us every six weeks which provides us information regarding transfers and once again I am on the move!
I left Roca early this morning and arrived in Plottier which is just outside of Neuquén. My new companion is Elder Gallegos from Syracuse, Utah and is a really cool guy. We have been in the same zone (Zapala) before and both go home the same day in July.
We're the zone leaders of Zona Plottier which covers two small towns (Plottier and Senillosa), and the western side of Neuquén. This is the largest zone I've led and I believe we have 20 missionaries. It will be a challenge, but I'm excited for the experience.
Roca was an incredible zone and I'm going to miss it a lot. I had two really good companions and saw miracles in the lives of the people I taught. If I had to share some of the principle lessons I learned in Roca, they would be that missionary work is the work of salvation, includes baptizing, reactivating, and retaining the fruits of baptism. Also that it is more than possible to plant seeds and harvest at the same time.
Elder Carroll and I didn't have any baptisms, but we were able to motivate the zone and we never stopped working. THAT is was gives me the most satisfaction. Knowing that I was constant, with my companion, in our efforts to keep things up and going. In our last two weeks together we found a lot of people that will be baptized in the future.
A few weeks ago we had interviews with President Casariego. He does this thing where he looks at you in silence and you know he's about to say something inspired. At the end of my interview he told me that even though I don't have a lot of time left on my mission is still have a lot of work to accomplish.
I love all of you guys! Oren por mi! vamos todavia!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack