I think this might have been the most challenging but best weeks of the mission!
The three people that I have been talking about so much in my emails home were baptized and confirmed, Lucas, Maxima and Jaqueline!

I feel a confidence I've never felt in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that our prayers were answered and I realize that missionary work is not as hard as we sometimes make it out to be. If this is God's work, is there anything that can stop it?
I know I have been a successful missionary, but now that I understand how someone comes to be baptized, it's like I have no excuse not to baptize. I'm ready to start another transfer and find those that are ready to come unto the Lord!
My new companion is Elder Carroll from Lehi, Utah. He was the financial secretary while I was the mission secretary in the office, so we know each other well. We are both ready to go to work!
I love you guys. I miss everyone and I had a really good experience with prayer yesterday. I felt like I was about to start a new school year with all of the changes in the zone and all of the things I had to do to prepare. I thought of Elder Scott's talk from my first General Conference in the mission, he taught us to tell Heavenly Father everything that concerns us. That is what I did, and I finished knowing that God is with me and anything is possible!
Have an awesome week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack