blank'/> Jack Kauffman's Mission Blog: Transfer to Esquel

22 September 2015

Transfer to Esquel

I left Zapala yesterday and am now serving in Esquel which is located south of Bariloche. In fact, Esquel is the southern most area in our mission, which is why I couldn't email anyone yesterday. I traveled for 14 hours just to get here and it is beautiful. I'll take some pictures this week of the pension and the area.

We had interviews on Friday with President Carariego and he told me that I was leaving Zapala. Now that I'm here I am ready to get going! I have great confidence in the southern part of the mission. It's where I first served and I don't listen when others say it's a hard area and no one is receptive. My companion is Elder Motzkus from Salt Lake City and he reminds me of Steve Goaslind.  

In Zapala we didn't see the 25 baptisms we had set as a goal, but I saw changes in me, in the way I work, and the love that I have for people. My last night in Zapala we had a family home evening with a part member family. They told us they are finally going to be married!

I am pumped to be here. Wish me luck and pray for my success. For this transfer we have set a goal for 12 people to gain a conversion, 12 baptisms and 12 people who become temple worthy.

I love everyone!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack