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16 May 2015

Quick Update

It was great to talk to everyone at home for Mother's Day. Time is flying by! 

Just a few things, transfers are going out tonight. They went well and we actually finished yesterday. They just need to be sent. Milagro!

Another elder is coming in to take my place, Elder Rodriguez. I know him and he is a good guy. He is from Canada but his parents are from Guatemala. This transfer is shorter than usual due to the new mission president taking over July 1st. So in four weeks I'll be heading back out to the field.

Pray that I'll be able to train well so I can get back to what I really love doing here! I'm trying to get back to my roots and really study Preach My Gospel. I am trying to talk to everyone and take my dad's advice and leave nothing left undone. That's the goal. Time is limited here!

I am praying for everyone there. Please pray for me that God will help us to have success. 

un abrazo gigante, 

I love you all!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack