12 July 2016
04 July 2016
My Last Letter Home
Dear family and friends,
There truly is a fire in me. I feel the desire to follow the Lord more than anything else. He is my Savior and I will follow Him with faith. By the end of next week, I will no longer be a full-time missionary, but my desire to follow Christ will be something I never leave behind. I know that God lives and that I am His son, he has helped me every single day here and I know that he will continue to do so as I start my next phase of my life.
I cannot believe that I will be home in little more than a week and that this is my last letter home.
This morning I wondered if there was some sort of marvelous message that I could write home, something that could summarize what this whole experience has meant to me. Actually, I don't think I have anything extraordinary to write, but I do have a few thoughts.
This has been the best experience of my life, so far. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, without any doubts, because I have seen people change as they choose to apply it in their lives. Nothing has made me happier than seeing people make the choice to follow Jesus Christ.

I cannot describe how much I will miss Argentina. I love the people and they have been very good to me.
Finally, I cannot describe how excited I am to see all of you! Thank you for your letters, your prayers, and for your support. Nothing can replace the family and friends that I have. You are all the best!
Amo la obra, sere parte de ella para siempre!
I love you all, and will see you NEXT WEEK!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
27 June 2016
Two Weeks Left in the Field
Good morning!
This was a great week. It's never easy, but it's always worth it!
I feel like every week I have less and less to write, but we are working hard here in Plottier and things are looking up. We continue to visit ward members to find people who we can teach and serve. That's our focus.
I know that the Gospel is true and I am committed to living it! I hope everyone has a great week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
21 June 2016
Checking In
Good morning!
It is chilly here. I think the high every day this week is a cool 55 degrees! I do love the members here. I believe we have been able to work with more members here in Plottier than any other area.
Everything is good here! We could not email yesterday because it was flag day, and there were no cyber cafes open. So we made tacos in the chapel as a district and played volleyball afterwards.
The baptism that we had planned for Saturday did not happen. Sebastian was all ready to go, but a few hours before the service his dad was taken to the hospital. We are waiting for things to calm down a bit and then will try again!

Have a great week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
13 June 2016
The Next 30 Days
Dear family and friends,
Time is passing by quickly now, and good things are happening here in Plottier. In fact, this week was great, a big testimony builder to me!!
The last week I was with Elder Gallegos we stopped to talk to a guy that was sitting in a big park near the church. His name is Sebastian, and he said he was having a hard time. He had no work and no place to live. So we invited him to our ward activity, and he has made remarkable changes. There are a lot of details but to sum them up Sebastian has come to church twice and received almost all of the lessons. We are going to finish up this week, and then he will be baptized Saturday. We are excited for him!
We are trying to work hand in hand with our ward and our new convert Ester to find new people to teach. I feel like I learn what it's like to be a convert through my investigators. I learn with them as we teach and I cannot deny that what we share is true. The Gospel is true! Our goal is to help one more person be baptized this transfer after Sebastian.
I was asked about running a zone and teaching at the same time. I don't believe being a zone leader should impede any missionary from being 100% focused on their area and investigators. The mission manual says that it is possible to fulfill both responsibilities (leadership and missionary work), and that's always been my way of doing things.
I am finishing my mission strong, and my heart is still here even as I prepare myself mentally to return home. Full-time missions have to end, but I will always consider myself a missionary for the Savior!
Pray that I will have success the next 30 days and that I can leave this area well prepared for the elder that will take my place. That is important to me.
I love everyone and hope you all have an excellent week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
06 June 2016
Checking In
Good morning from Plottier! This week was cold! It rained on Tuesday and Wednesday but it has passed. A few members told me yesterday that it shouldn't rain again this winter... I hope they are right!
I continue to serve as a zone leader. I feel like I am still figuring out how to do it, but I've learned a lot through filling that role. I had a few leadership positions before the mission but not like this one. I appreciate that both of my mission presidents have trusted me to lead.
This week we had to stop teaching a few people, but we found new ones. We weren't able to see a few investigators that have baptismal dates which does worry me. Work and other commitments complicated things, but I am confident that we'll be able to move forward before I leave the mission.
I realize that service is what makes me happy. Forgetting ourselves and focusing on others is what most helps us to become more like the Savior. I know it! I see it as I serve my companion, my investigators, and the missionaries in my zone.
I am excited to return home and for all that will be happening here in the upcoming weeks in Plottier. It's going to be great!
I love everyone!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
30 May 2016
Last Transfer
Good morning!
Today I start my last transfer! Elder Gallegos left for the south this morning and I am with my new companion. His name is Elder Marzo from Cordoba. Really cool guy and he will be my last companion.
We had a great week and are working a lot with Ester who was baptized last week. We're also working with Matias and Malena, two kids that have a baptismal date for this coming weekend. The Lord is blessing us a lot here.
We found a man named Sebastian the other day before going to a ward activity. He said that he needed a place to stay and that he also needed work. So we invited him to come to the activity with us and the members helped him out. He now has a place to stay, a job, and he came to church on Sunday! He says that he's been looking for something more in his life for a while now, and we were praying for people to help. A win-win for sure!

I very happy to be here, not too much time left in the mission field, but there are a lot of things to do!
I love everyone and have a great week!
Elder Kauffman aka Jack
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