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04 July 2016

My Last Letter Home

Dear family and friends, 

I cannot believe that I will be home in little more than a week and that this is my last letter home.

This morning I wondered if there was some sort of marvelous message that I could write home, something that could summarize what this whole experience has meant to me. Actually, I don't think I have anything extraordinary to write, but I do have a few thoughts.

This has been the best experience of my life, so far. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, without any doubts, because I have seen people change as they choose to apply it in their lives. Nothing has made me happier than seeing people make the choice to follow Jesus Christ. 

There truly is a fire in me. I feel the desire to follow the Lord more than anything else. He is my Savior and I will follow Him with faith. By the end of next week, I will no longer be a full-time missionary, but my desire to follow Christ will be something I never leave behind. I know that God lives and that I am His son, he has helped me every single day here and I know that he will continue to do so as I start my next phase of my life.

I cannot describe how much I will miss Argentina. I love the people and they have been very good to me. 

Finally, I cannot describe how excited I am to see all of you! Thank you for your letters, your prayers, and for your support. Nothing can replace the family and friends that I have. You are all the best! 

Amo la obra, sere parte de ella para siempre!

I love you all, and will see you NEXT WEEK!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack