blank'/> Jack Kauffman's Mission Blog: Buenos dias!

09 February 2016

Buenos dias!

Dear family and friends, 

Thank you for the emails, I enjoy them as always!

This week was busy. We went to Villa Regina on Tuesday for zone conference and then Neuquén for leadership counsel. 

We are focusing on working with members in our ward, not just more, a lot more! As far as investigators go we are struggling, but this week is going to be better. More people to teach will be found! Vanessa, the mom we were teaching has a lot of interest, but it's hard for her to attend church. She has not been progressing and we will probably have to stop popping by and visiting.

We had an excellent fast and testimony meeting yesterday. The first counselor in our ward, Brother Esteche, talked about the importance of keeping the goodness of the gospel alive. 
He used a phrase I liked, he said "as if it were the first time." He was referring to the fact that every time he hears the message of the First Vision, or hears someone explain the Atonement, he tries to remember what he felt the first time he heard it, as if it were the first time. He was baptized in Buenos Aires when he was a teenager and the gospel changed everything for him.

I want to have this same attitude the rest of my mission. This week I feel like I made some things too complicated. In reality, I should do what I did when I started, trust in the Lord and just serve as best I can. 

I love you all and hope you have an excellent week!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack