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12 October 2015

Focusing on Teaching

Dear family and friends,

Things are going great. We are half way done with this transfer, each one lasts 6 weeks, and today is day one of week four. Our big focus this transfer is 1) teach lessons and 2) work with the members. We've had some great opportunities to do both this week!

In Zapala I worked an area that had very little missionary work happening. There were two investigators, a family and not a lot more. We did a lot of contacting in the street and I learned a great deal. Specifically, I learned how to have quick, short, and effective conversations. 

Now that we've changed our focus to teaching lessons we feel like the Lord is giving us what we want, solid people that want to progress. Our number one for now is a woman who wants the Gospel to change her life and strengthen her kids. She accepted a Book of Mormon and is reading it!

One day this week we taught four lessons and two of them with members present. (I had never done that before!) This week we gave bread and cookies to three families to reach out to them. We're just starting to provide this type of small service and it's working. I continue to learn that love for people is key to success. That's true in missionary work and in life.

Everyone have a great week!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack