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20 October 2014

Transfer Week in Bariloche

How is everyone?! This week passed by so fast. Yesterday was the last day of the transfer period (which lasts 6 weeks), and today I dropped off Elder Candia (who was transferred) at the bus terminal and spent the majority of the day with Elder Real who is from Spain. 

My new companion, Elder Supelano, just arrived a few hours ago. He is from Columbia. We get along really well from what I can tell so far, and I am excited to work with him. He has about three months left on his mission so I should learn a lot from his experience. 

It was hard to say goodbye to Elder Candia as he was my trainer when I first arrived in the mission. We learned a lot together and helped a lot of people come closer to Christ. One important thing I learned from him that will always impress me is that language is not a barrier between people. I can honestly say I know him as well as I know Ethan, Jason or Coleton. He became a great friend and I hope to see him again in the future. 

Today many missionaries from the north passed through Bariloche on their way to areas down south. One of the missionaries I met was Elder Wessel. He is a very cool guy, and the first thing we talked about was his aunt Linda who introduced my dad to the missionaries back in high school. I'm glad I finally met him!

This past week I increased my faith a lot through small actions. I conquered some of my fears like calling members on the phone, because at times I don't know what they say, or asking for more help from the ward, as that can be hard too. As I did those little things throughout the week they became easier, and now I no longer fear them. The other week Chris wrote me "you can either fear everything and run, or face everything and rise." I prefer the second. 

I love being here and I love inviting people to come unto Christ. I thought a lot during the week of some of the personal experiences I have had with the Savior. My love for him, and loyalty to him, are the best motivation I have. 

Please continue to pray that I can take care of the people here that need the good news of the Gospel. I am going to do all I can!

I love you all and I wish you a great week. 

Elder Kauffman aka Jack