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25 August 2014

La Semana Cuatro en la Mision

Hey Everyone!

This has been a better week for me. I was pretty sick for a few days, but I think I'm finally feeling better. Having your health makes everything a whole lot easier! The weather here has been different almost every day, some days we can go out with a light jacket, and others I have to put on everything that I have just to stay warm. It was nice to have a few days when the sun came out!

I learned a lot of great things this week. We had a zone conference with President Lovell and the main theme was integrity. I really think I came away with a different perspective on what it means. In one sentence, I would say it just means being true to you. Thinking about that concept has helped me this last week when I have felt sad or missed home. I know that this is where I have wanted to be for a while now, and I’m not going to let little things get me down. 

I learn a lot when we are teaching, that may not make sense, but it’s true! We have been visiting a less active member ever since I arrived in Bariloche and it can be hard to get through to him. He loves to talk, and it can be difficult to even share a scripture with him because he won’t be quiet. Last night he talked to us a lot about how he won't go to church because the men don’t know how to lead. I felt that we needed to be bold with him, and wasn’t quite sure where it came from when I told him "that if he feels the leadership needs to change, he needs to come to church so he can be part of that change." 

I don't know if that will work, but I really walked out of there knowing that we can make a difference in everything we do, not just with church leadership, but in every aspect of our lives. I hope I can make a difference with that brother before I leave by opening my mouth a few more times like I did last night. 

As we teach the restoration here my testimony of it grows, as well as the love Heavenly Father has for us. The other day we retaught a lesson to a lady in our area because she still had a lot of questions. While we said that the fact Heavenly Father has restored Christ´s church means he loves us, I realized more than ever that that is true. It means a lot to me to know that once again God has reached out to his children, and in all seriousness that is why I am here, to tell people that once again there is hope. It feels good to be doing that. 

This week we started to teach a lady that came to us to ask for the lessons. She really wants the change that she has seen in her son, who has been a member for a few years now. Her faith impressed me, and makes me want to REALLY follow the principles of the Gospel, because she wants to learn them so badly. 

I am trying to improve myself everyday and have been working on following the mission rules. Not just because they are the rules, but also because I love the Lord! Please pray for me that I can do what the Lord wants me to do. Sometimes I feel like we do so many different things like planning, preparing, whatever it may be, that I'm not sure I am doing all that needs to be done. 

I love everyone and hope to hear from you all!

Elder Kauffman aka Jack